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This old thing Vol. 2

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G found Coco in a car engine on the golf course. We estimated that she was about 7-8 weeks of age at the time. We asked the charity to advertise her as 'found and safe with finder', in case this uber-friendly kitten had an owner looking for her somewhere. Well, no-one came forward over two weeks, so we had to decide either to foster her for the charity and find a new home for her through them, or just adopt her straight off the bat. To be honest, I think G had made his mind up pretty much as soon as he had brought her home:) So, Coco became the newest member of our family. I guess this is not strictly a foster story, it's more like a skip-the-foster story:) Coco joined our family in August 2022. And she fit right in, she was promptly taken under the wings of our resident feline big brothers Charlie and Tiger, who became her play pals (that was Tiger, really, more than Charlie) and cuddle buddies. Coco was a real cat's cat, and besides Tiger, she also befriended a string...

And Sanna makes a century

 This is Sanna, our 100th foster cat: Well, Sanna came to us with her six 5-day-old babies in toe: Of course, our first thought was - here we go, folks, it's Poppy's Babies time again! But, no, Sanna's story is very different from Poppy's. Mostly because with Poppy I had about a month to get to know her, and by the time her babies came around we had formed quite a special bond. Sanna, on the other hand, was handed to the vets in town four days after she'd given birth to her litter, so she was understandably not the happiest of all bunnies when she found herself surrounded by new absolutely everything. And on top of all that, she was suffering from one of the worst cases of gastrointestinal worms I'd ever seen! I mean, after 99 cats, we'd seen all sorts - live worms in a foamy vomit pouring out of the cutest mouths, worms hanging out of anuses, worm eggs in poop, etc. But Sanna's case really took things to another level. I don't panic or overreact eas...

A little love story

 This little love story is not about a couple of star-crossed lovers in fair Fermoy. Instead, this tiny tale involves two adorable kittens Jax and Billie Jean, whose accidental meeting in our feline foster home almost made me question my skepticism about fate and destiny and all that. Billie Jean came to us with her two sisters Serena and Simona (yes, it was Wimbledon time at the time;) Jax arrived on his ownsome. He was a little bit special - the cornea of his right eye had been damaged, so he had very little sight left in it. But he was a real champ on every level - he's one of those cats with whom you'll never have a dull moment, he's always up for having all kinds of fun, and to top it all off - he's also one of the best goalies around:) And he's also one of the cuddliest fellas I've met! And they were all joined by Barry, who happened to be found straying on his own around the same time. And so this fun-loving fivesome became a rather cute little family: Th...

We have ringworm!!!

 Fonzie/Yoda Fonzie came to us in May and stayed till August. A long stay, I know. It's just that it turned out that she (yes, this Fonzie was a girl) had ringworm. I know. So, I googled the hell out of it and went a bit nuts. No, I don't like to admit it, but a little honesty now and then is OK. True story. Basically, most of the pundits on the internet pretty much told me that the only way of getting rid of ringworm is to burn your house down. I stopped just an inch short of that. As I said, I went a bit bonkers;) I cleaned Fonzie's room every day with some industrial-strength cleaner from the vets, to ensure that the fungal menace didn't have a chance to multiply and prosper. I also had to put some anti-fungal cream on her scabs. And I wore special clogs in her room, and for-her-room-only clothes, and I only touched her with CSI gloves. All that was missing from that picture was a lab coat, or a CSI onesie. In other words, I lost my marbles. I was worried I might con...