Perhaps we should start by admitting that 'shy' in this context is often a euphemism. It's an umbrella term for the timid, wild, semi-feral, unsocialised or scared kittens, and possibly a few more. And those kinds of kittens need to be fostered and (re)socialized, as not many people out there are keen on adopting 'troubled' feline individuals. Claudia Jean, shy and then some Anyway, I'll keep using 'shy' here - it's kinda cute, too, and it implies helplessness. And what's more appealing to our good side than a chance to help someone small and vulnerable, to be someone's (very patient) personal Batman/Jesus/Superman? The very first shy kitten we had I called Maris. I called her Maris in honour of Niles Crane's elusive wife in Frasier - one of the best ever off-screen characters in my opinion. So, just like Niles' Maris from Frasier , my Maris was never to be seen. You see, I was a true novice back then and I thought that having a che...