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Showing posts from June, 2021

The miracle of birth

 Unfortunately, this little story here doesn't have a machine that goes Bing! But it does have a very cute little feline protagonist called Poppy. So here you go - this is Poppy: Poppy came to us to recuperate after a surgery on her salivary glands. That also meant that she was on some hardcore pain meds (her vets had given me very strict instructions on how and in what exact quantities to administer them), as well as antibiotics for about a week. She was 9 months old, almost alarmingly skinny (the only other cat we'd had whose vertebrae were palpable and visible was Mystery the renal cat, and she was gravely ill). Nonetheless, Poppy's surgery had gone well, she was doing well and after two weeks with us a vet said her wound had healed nicely and she seemed in good health in general. I noticed she was eating like a picky horse - she would consume tons of only one particular wet cat food, everything else made her stools soft or she just turned her nose up at it. But she wasn...