This little love story is not about a couple of star-crossed lovers in fair Fermoy. Instead, this tiny tale involves two adorable kittens Jax and Billie Jean, whose accidental meeting in our feline foster home almost made me question my skepticism about fate and destiny and all that. Billie Jean came to us with her two sisters Serena and Simona (yes, it was Wimbledon time at the time;) Jax arrived on his ownsome. He was a little bit special - the cornea of his right eye had been damaged, so he had very little sight left in it. But he was a real champ on every level - he's one of those cats with whom you'll never have a dull moment, he's always up for having all kinds of fun, and to top it all off - he's also one of the best goalies around:) And he's also one of the cuddliest fellas I've met! And they were all joined by Barry, who happened to be found straying on his own around the same time. And so this fun-loving fivesome became a rather cute little family: Th...