This is Sanna, our 100th foster cat: Well, Sanna came to us with her six 5-day-old babies in toe: Of course, our first thought was - here we go, folks, it's Poppy's Babies time again! But, no, Sanna's story is very different from Poppy's. Mostly because with Poppy I had about a month to get to know her, and by the time her babies came around we had formed quite a special bond. Sanna, on the other hand, was handed to the vets in town four days after she'd given birth to her litter, so she was understandably not the happiest of all bunnies when she found herself surrounded by new absolutely everything. And on top of all that, she was suffering from one of the worst cases of gastrointestinal worms I'd ever seen! I mean, after 99 cats, we'd seen all sorts - live worms in a foamy vomit pouring out of the cutest mouths, worms hanging out of anuses, worm eggs in poop, etc. But Sanna's case really took things to another level. I don't panic or overreact eas...